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Common name:               House Mouse


Latin name:                          Mus domesticus



Grey/brown fur with slightly lighter underside. Average weight of adult is

15 grams with combined body and tail length of 15 cm.



House mice are sexually mature at 8 to 12 weeks of age and have a litter of 5 to 6 young. Mice become aggressive as their population density increases, with mice living in family based colonies. Mice mark their territory with urine and separate colonies will develop, spreading the population.


Impact of mice

Disease – House mice will carry disease such as salmonella, weil’s disease and lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus.

Structural damage – As mice are rodents, their teeth are constantly growing so they will gnaw on a wide variety of materials to keep them short. This will damage electrical cables, plastic and metal pipes, potentially causing fires or flooding in a property. They will also chew up material to make nests and therefor damage goods stored in attics and cupboards.

Foodstuff contamination – Mice will contaminate food storage and preparation areas with droppings, hair and urine. This can transfer to food, posing an environmental health risk, and damaging a businesses reputation. Mice contamination can cause damage to large quantities of food ingredients which will require disposal.



i-Pest Intelligent Pest Control will conduct a survey to identify the type of pest and the extent of the infestation and will treat with the most appropriate method pest control method, included rodenticides or trapping.

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